Jamac Metering

Calibration & Testing Laboratory


Our Achievement

Our laboratory is one of the largest calibration & testing laboratory for energy meter in Malaysia, our clients ranging from Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), SIRIM Malaysia, as well as private sector in major development for housing, commercial & industrial sector. To date we have completed more that 2 million units of energy meter tested and calibrated in the market. In 2018, with the smart meter project kicked off in Malaysia, our laboratory has since provided testing service to major vendors. A total of more than 1 million smart meter tested and operated.

In year 2022, in line with our continual improvement philosophy we were accredited with an extended scope for on-site testing which allows us to offer in service compliance test to all in-service energy meter as per the requirement of Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST).


Calibration & Testing Output

0  Million
mix calibration & testing output
0   Million
annually of mix calibration & testing capability

Laboratory & Production
Output Monitoring System

Output Display System
Auto recording quantity of tested meter
Meter Barcode scanning process

Quality Handling right from beginning until delivery

Have any enquiry regarding to the energy meter calibration and testing?

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